Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA)

Field Trips

Embark on Exciting Adventures with BHEA Field Trips!

Did you know that anyone can organize a field trip with BHEA? It's easy to set up and requires just a bit of planning and organization. Field trips are a fantastic way to enhance your homeschooling experience and create lasting memories. Here's how you can get started:

Decide: Determine what you want to achieve with the field trip, the target age group, and potential dates. Have a few dates in mind to remain flexible. If you organize a trip, please plan to attend to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Contact: Arrange the field trip with the organization you wish to visit. Submit the field trip information on our website, including event details, age group, date, time, cost, and your contact information. Be sure to include deadlines, payment details, and any restrictions. Once submitted, the Activities Coordinator will review and approve the trip.

Plan and Announce: Once approved, the field trip will appear on our calendar. You can then announce it to encourage participation.

Enjoy: As the coordinator, arrive a few minutes early on the day of the trip. Keep track of attendees, remind children of proper behavior, and ensure everyone has a great time.

Thank: Don't forget to thank the field trip guide. A thank-you card signed by the children is a thoughtful gesture.

At BHEA, anyone can organize a field trip at any time. Whether it's a trip for hundreds or just a few, we welcome your ideas and enthusiasm.

To schedule a field trip, submit your request using the “submit new event” feature on our calendar at You will be notified of approval usually within 24 hours. While scheduling, please try to avoid conflicts with other events, but occasional overlaps may be approved.

Join us on these adventures and let's make learning fun and memorable!