Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) Blount Home Education Association (BHEA)

Our Cherished BHEA Activities

Is there an activity that you would like to host or organize? Contact [email protected] to learn how


Join Us for a Fun-Filled BHEA Field Day!

BHEA is excited to offer Field Day annually, a highlight of our spring calendar! This lively event, held at a local Blount County high school, features a variety of traditional and exciting activities for the whole family to enjoy.

What to Expect:

  • Fun for All Ages: From preschoolers to high schoolers, there's something for everyone. Even the little ones will have a dedicated play area.
  • Traditional Events: Get ready for classic favorites like sack races, tug-o-war, soccer kick, baseball toss, and the 3-legged race.
  • Track and Field: Test your skills in traditional track and field events.
  • Moms' 5K: Moms, don't miss the opportunity to join the Moms' 5K race!
  • Picnic Ready: Bring your picnic blankets, camp chairs, and sunscreen for a day filled with fun and games.

How You Can Help:

  • Event Planning: Assist in organizing the various activities and ensuring everything runs smoothly.
  • Volunteer Coordination: Help recruit and coordinate volunteers for different roles during Field Day.
  • Logistics: Assist with setting up and organizing the event venue.
  • Get Involved: If you're interested in volunteering or have ideas to share, please contact the Activity Coordinator at [email protected]  Your involvement will help make Field Day a day to remember for our BHEA community!

Parent Volunteers Needed: Please note that all parents are expected to volunteer during Field Day to ensure the success of the event. Whether you can spare an hour or the whole day, your contribution is invaluable.

Save the Date: Field Day is a community effort, and we're counting on your support to create lasting memories for our children. Join us in planning this exciting event!


Join Us for the BHEA Spring Formal!

Every year, BHEA proudly sponsors a memorable Spring Formal for students in 9th through 12th grade, ages 14-19. This elegant event is a highlight of the school year, providing a special evening of fun and celebration.

The Spring Formal is thoughtfully coordinated by a dedicated group of students and parents who meet regularly throughout the year. Their efforts include organizing several fundraising events, such as dances and ticket sales, to make this evening unforgettable.

For more information and to get involved, please contact our High School Activities Coordinator at [email protected]. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to create lasting memories with friends and fellow students!

Celebrate Your Kindergartener's Big Day with BHEA!

BHEA is delighted to host a special graduation ceremony for our kindergarten students. This heartwarming event is a wonderful way to celebrate the achievements of our youngest learners as they complete this important milestone.

The Kindergarten Graduation is coordinated by a dedicated team of volunteers who meet regularly throughout the school year. Communication with the volunteer team is typically through email and the BHEA Facebook Group, ensuring everyone stays informed and connected.

Parents with kindergarteners are highly encouraged to join the volunteer committee. Your participation helps create a memorable experience for all the children and fosters a sense of community and support.

Let's make this graduation a day to remember! For more information, keep an eye on your email and the BHEA Facebook Group for updates from the Kindergarten Graduation coordinator and team.


Celebrate Your Senior's Achievements with BHEA!

BHEA proudly hosts a special graduation ceremony for our high school seniors. This significant event honors the hard work and accomplishments of our graduating students and their dedicated parents, marking the culmination of their homeschool journey and the beginning of new adventures.

The High School Graduation ceremony is organized by a dedicated team of volunteers who meet regularly throughout the school year to ensure a memorable and meaningful celebration. Communication with the volunteer team is primarily through email and the BHEA Graduation Commitee Facebook Group and posted to the BHEA High School Facebook Group, High School Graduation 2025 Facebook Group and emailed, providing consistent updates and information.

Parents of graduating seniors are highly encouraged to join the volunteer committee. Additionally, we warmly invite parents of juniors to get involved in helping with the ceremony. By doing so, senior parents can fully enjoy the event they have diligently planned, while junior parents gain valuable experience and contribute to the BHEA community.

Let's make this graduation a day to remember! For more information, stay tuned to your email and our High School Graduation 2025 Facebook Group for updates from the High School coordinator and the graduation committee.  

Graduating Seniors that have been with BHEA since Kindergarten

Graduating Seniors that have been with BHEA since Kindergarten

2024 Senior Devon Leslie

Join the Excitement of the BHEA Spelling Bee!

BHEA students have the wonderful opportunity to showcase their spelling skills in our annual Spelling Bee, typically held in January. This event is not only a fun and educational experience but also a chance for children to share their love of words and compete in a supportive environment.

The winner of the BHEA Spelling Bee will go on to represent our community in the Regional Spelling Bee, taking their spelling prowess to the next level.

Don't miss out on this exciting event! For more information, please contact Adriana Zoder. Let's support our young spellers as they prepare for this fantastic challenge!

View study words here. . 


You're Invited to Our Annual Curriculum Sale!

Get ready for a homeschooling extravaganza at our Annual Curriculum Sale! Join us in late spring or early summer for a day of fantastic deals and community fun.

For Sellers:

  • Clear your bookshelves of used (or even brand new) curriculum.
  • Keep an eye on your email and our Facebook Group for sign-up details.
  • Members can sell curriculum, games, toys, and anything homeschooling-related!

Don't miss this chance to declutter, shop, and connect with fellow homeschoolers. Stay tuned for more information and get ready for a sale like no other!

Join Us for Mom's Night Out!

Dear Moms of BHEA,

We understand that life can get busy, which is why we invite you to take a break and join us for Mom's Night Out! These gatheringsare a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and laughter, without the kids.

Why You Should Join Us:

  • Enjoy a fun and relaxed evening with fellow moms.
  • Take a well-deserved break and recharge.
  • Share stories, laughter, and encouragement with other moms.

Host a Mom's Night Out: If you're interested in hosting a Mom's Night Out event, please contact the Ministry Coordinator at [email protected]. She would love to hear from you!

Stay Updated: Keep an eye on the BHEA calendar for scheduled events this year. Please note that you must be logged in to see the details.

We hope to see you at Mom's Night Out! Let's make time for ourselves and enjoy these special gatherings together.

Capture Memories with BHEA Yearbook and Student Photos!

Get ready to smile! Every fall, usually in October, we host a yearbook picture day for all member students of BHEA. These photos are for our yearbook and available for purchase if you choose.

Yearbook Information:

  • Yearbooks can be purchased during the academic year and are typically distributed in August.
  • The yearbook is a wonderful keepsake of memories from the school year.

How You Can Contribute:

  • We need your family's photos from home and academic life, as well as from field trips, extracurricular activities, parties, and dances.
  • Your contributions help create a vibrant and inclusive yearbook that captures the essence of our homeschooling community.

Get Involved: For more information on pictures or yearbooks, please contact the Yearbook Committee at [email protected]. Your participation is essential in making our yearbook a success!

Let's capture and cherish the memories of this academic year together. Smile big, and we'll see you at picture day!

Join Us for Informative Roundtable Events!

We are excited to invite you to our valuable Roundtable Events, held two to three times each year. These informal discussions focus on specific topics related to homeschooling and are open to all BHEA members.

What to Expect:

  • Hear from and talk with other parents who are navigating the homeschooling journey.
  • Gain insights, share experiences, and learn from each other in a supportive environment.
  • Past topics have included: what college professors wish freshmen knew about college, preparing for high school, lapbooking, homeschooling hour-by-hour, organizing your homeschool, and more.

How to Participate:

  • Watch the BHEA calendar for upcoming Roundtables.
  • Join us and contribute to the discussion!
  • For more information, email the Advancement Coordinator at [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you at our next Roundtable Event. Let's learn and grow together as a community!

How To Homeschool Roundtable held at the Blount County Public Library

Join Us for Park Day Fun!

Looking for some outdoor fun and fellowship? Join us for Park Day! BHEA members gather at local Maryville parks to play, connect, and enjoy the great outdoors together.

Event Details:

  • Check the BHEA Calendar for scheduled dates and times.
  • Don't see a date scheduled but think your kids would love it? You can help organize one!
  • Contact [email protected] to spearhead a Park Day. All it takes is choosing a date with the Activities Coordinator, submitting it to the calendar, and helping us spread the word.

Get Involved:

  • Come out and play with us!
  • If you're interested in organizing a Park Day, we'd love to hear from you.

Let's enjoy some sunshine and fun at the park! See you there!

One Book Blitz

BHEA is excited to join local public schools in the annual One Book Blitz, where we all come together to read the book chosen by the local school districts. Each February, this wonderful event brings our community together with a fun-filled scavenger hunt. Students search for characters, collect stamps on a sheet, and turn them in to receive prizes at our fantastically themed One Book Blitz party.

We are thrilled to bring this literary adventure to our community and encourage everyone to join in the fun and celebrate the joy of reading! Our event is open to everyone in the family, so the fun doesn't have to end in 5th grade. Come and be part of this exciting celebration of literature!

Fall Festival

We are thrilled to invite all BHEA Middle and High School students to our Annual Fall Festival Celebration! This beloved event is the perfect opportunity for students to come together, enjoy festive activities, and make lasting memories. We can't wait to celebrate with you and make this Fall Festival a memorable experience for everyone Get ready for an evening of fun, laughter, and community spirit!